
Cold medications that are safe to take while breastfeeding

We are getting  into the winter here in Charleston, SC so the cold season is right around the corner. Breastfeeding mother’s have to be careful what medications they take while breastfeeding for 2 reasons the first to ensure safe drugs for their babies to receive via their breast milk and secondly to stay away from medications that dry up mucus. Medications that dry up mucus can also dry up breast milk. Here is a list of medications in alphabetical order that are safe for your baby and have the least likely effects on a milk supply.

Alka Seltzer plus mucus                                                                          Robitussin cough and congestion liquid

Cepacol throat spray                                                                                 Robitussin cough

Comtrex deep chest cold and congestion relief                           Robitussin DM cough suppressant lozenges

Coricidin cold and flu tablets                                                               Sucrets cough suppressant lozenges

Dayquil mucus control                                                                           Theraflu flu and chest liquid

Delsym 12 hour cough relief liquid                                                     Triaminic cough and sore throat liquid

Dimetap long acting cold and elixir                                                   Triaminic long acting cough

Mucinex                                                                                                          Vicks 44 Formula

Mucinex DM expectorant/cough                                                        Vicks Dayquil cough liquid

The ingredients to use sparingly or to avoid all together are diphenhydramine, pseudoephedrine, and phenylephrine

References for the above information was obtained from Medication and Mother’s Milk 2014, written by Dr. Thomas Hale and Hilary Rowe, Pharm D, Hale Publishing L.P.