The first case was believed to be in Wuhan China on December 31, 2019.
It is now a pandemic involving the entire world. It is said to be spread via airborne secretions and via contact and contaminated surfaces.
The incubation period is 3-14 days with 5 days being the average time when symptoms can appear.
The most common symptoms are:
A fever, a dry cough, difficulty breathing, shortness of breath, lethargy, chest pains, nasal congestion, aches and pains, a sore throat, a headache and diarrhea.
A pregnant woman may be at an increased risk of contracting the disease as her immune system is lower. She is to maintain her immune system with adequate hydration and sleep. Social distancing as much as possible and staying 6 feet from other people as much as possible. The CDC does not report an increased risk of miscarriage or fetal abnormalities from the Covid 19 virus in the unborn baby. However, data is limited because Covid 19 is a new virus.
The virus has not been detected in breastmilk, amniotic fluid or the baby’s throat. However, it has not be determined whether the virus can be passed to the baby.
The Covid19 virus can survive on a copper surface for 4 hour
The Covid19 virus can survive on cardboard for 24 hours
The Covid19 virus can survive on plastic or steel for 2-3 days
It is also said that air droplets can hang in the air for 3 hours before dropping
Temperature and humidity can affect how long Covid19 says alive on a surface
Use common sense and wash your hands for 20 seconds (sing Happy birthday) make sure to get your thumbs between your fingers and palms of your hands. Use disinfectant wipes on the pump dials and handles and counter tops. Sanitize pump parts once daily.
Always consider IPC measures-infection, prevention and control