Lowcountry Lactation Station is an in home breastfeeding consulting business with a Board Certified Lactation Consultant, (IBCLC). The Consultant comes to your home to evaluate the mother baby couplet during breastfeeding.
The in-home services include:
- Your baby is weighed on a high caliber weigh scale before and after a feeding to see exactly how much breast milk your baby is getting from you at a nursing session.
- You will also pump while the consultant is at your home so that she can evaluate your pump, flange size, and evaluate your milk supply. The consultant will help you set up your pump in the event that you have not yet pumped.
- The consultant brings feeding tubes and syringes to each consult. Finger feeding is recommended in the event that baby needs to be supplemented with expressed breast milk or formula after nursing to avoid using a bottle. If you must use a bottle a preemie nipple is recommended so the baby has to work a little harder to get the milk out.
NOTE: The insurance company is required by law to pay for breastfeeding support and a breast pump for the breastfeeding mother. It is in line with the Affordable Care Act from 2012.
Included in the cost of the consult:
- Medela shells or nipple shields if necessary
- Medihoney for nipple wound healing if that is necessary
- Brewers yeast to help increase a milk supply
- Syringes and feeding tubes in case the baby needs to be supplemented until breastfeeding is more successful
- Written discharge instructions are customized to you and your baby’s needs
- Consultant will send your pediatrician and obstetrician a written report so that there will be consistency of care
After a consult there is unlimited phone calls, texts or emails during the entire course of breastfeeding your baby.